
Saturday, October 8, 2022

C8 Final report

 Final report 

1_Workshop: “Weka” Participants analyzed mobility satisfaction surveys of the mobilities and information tests conducted at the beginning and end of the project using the program called Weka which is a collection of machine learning algorithms for data mining tasks.

2_Workshop: “Google Surveys” Participants visualized the results of the project in order to share on the dissemination tools using Google Survey which gives a quick, cost-effective way to get valuable insights into the minds of project’s target audience.

3_Discussion: Participants created checklist of all the project activities and discussed all activities done during the process are achieved the project goals if not what we can do for that. 

4_Workshop: “Sustainability”, Participants had a training to how we could sustain the project after we finished it using free platforms, Social Media Group, distribute the product (created book, magazines, etc.) to other schools, libraries, etc., and shared the results and products done during the project with civil non-governmental organizations.

5_Workshop: “Writing Results for the National Agency” Participants discussed and wrote the decisions in order to fill the document of National Agencies in a correct way, thus the all National Agencies can understand clearly whether we could reach the objectives of our project or not. If not, explaining the reasons and the causes of the missing points why we had not been able to reach goals in a clear way.

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